Evolis Primacy 2
- Printing: Double-sided, single-sided
- Encoding: Magnetic stripes, no encoding option, smart contact, smart contactless
- Card lifespan: Up to 3 years, up to 5 years
- Number of cards per year: Between 5,000 and 50,000 – Between 500 and 5,000 – Less than 500
- Card security level: High standard

Evolis Primacy Lamination

Evolis Zenuis
The Zenius generates color or monochrome cards, individually or in small runs, with top quality results.
Zenius is ideal for instant issuance of single sided smart ID cards.
- Printing: Single-sided
- Encoding: Magnetic stripes, Smart contact, Smart contactless
- Card lifespan: 1-3 years
- Number of cards per year: Between 500 and 5,000
- Card security level: High

Evolis Issengo
The Issengo issues flat debit and credit cards on demand, and complies with international banking security standards.
The Issengo system combines advanced features, and compactly integrates in branches.
- Printing: Single-sided, Double-sided
- Encoding: Magnetic stripes, Smart contact, Smart contactless
- Card lifespan: 1-3 years
- Number of cards per year: Between 5,000 and 30,000
- Card security level: Standard

Evolis Avansia
Avansia is a Retransfer technology direct-to-card printer for very high quality card delivery.
Avansia is extremely robust and provides highly secure ID cards issuance, of more than 140 single-sided color cards per hour.
- Printing: Single-sided, Double-sided
- Encoding: Magnetic stripes, Smart contact, Smart contactless
- Card lifespan: 1-3 years
- Number of cards per year: More than 30,000
- Card security level: Highly Secured
Added Features
- CLM Lamination Model

Evolis Quantum
Quantum2 combines the feel of a desktop smart card printer with the power of an industrial printer for centralized production of secure & smart plastic cards in large quantities.
It personalizes the cards front and back, in color or monochrome, with a printing speed of more than 1000 cards per hour.
- Printing: Single-sided, Double-sided
- Encoding: Magnetic stripes, Smart contact, Smart contactless
- Card lifespan: 1-3 years
- Number of cards per year: More than 30,000
- Card security level: High

Evolis Tattoo RW
With Tattoo RW, your smart cards are updated whenever required, while a same card can be erased, revised and printed anew up to 500 times.
Tattoo RW is the ultimate solution for your temporary secure & smart cards that require regular updates.
- Printing: Single-sided
- Encoding: Magnetic stripes, Smart contactless
- Card lifespan: 1-3 years
- Number of cards per year: Between 5,000 and 30,000
- Card security level: Standard

Evolis Elypso
Specially developed for use at customer-facing counters, Elypso fits seamlessly with your existing systems and is your best choice for instant card personalization.
Ideal for Financial Cards, gift Cards, and Heath Care
- Printing: Single-sided, Double-sided
- Encoding: Magnetic stripes, Smart contact, Smart contactless
- Card lifespan: 1-3 years
- Number of cards per year: Between 5,000 and 30,000
- Card security level: High

Evolis Badgy200
Badgy200 fulfills all your needs for graphic personalization and smart card production, as single cards or in small batches.
- Printing: Single-sided
- Encoding: No encoding option
- Card lifespan: 1-3 years
- Number of cards per year: Less than 500
- Card security level: Standard